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Traintime PDA v0.4.1 发行简记

Traintime PDA 0.4.1 的介绍和技术相关

Traintime PDA 0.4.1 发行简记

先写个输出 iCalendar 功能吧,小部件我先慢慢写……


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支持 iCalendar 输出课程表信息和物理实验信息,解释使用视频在此

iOS 用户建议配合这个快捷方式使用。



围绕介绍 iCalendar 的英语写作练习

Initally I want to output classtable schedule to the system calendar, but it isn’t good. So far, it outputs the class schedule one by one, from the first class of the first week to the last class of the last week. I have to let users agree serveral times to import all class schedules, so ummm…

So I use iCalendar, a standard to transfer schedules. It can transfer the name of your schedule, the time range (start time and end time), and lots of additional infos, including email, alert, personnel etc.

For the class schedules, aka classtable, we only care about the place, time, and the name. According to the CYPER GOD OF OUR SCHOOL, we do not need a ‘iCalender parser library’, just treat it as a plain text file with mime-type text/calendar.

I will introduce a very simple iCalendar file here, and that’s not all about it.

The whole iCalendar file is covered by BEGIN:VCALENDAR and END:VCALENDAR. While every schedule is covered by BEGIN:VEVENT and END:VEVENT. For each schedule, we can input the following attributes:

  • SUMMARY: A quickview of the schedule. In our case, the class’s name and place.
  • DESCRIPTION: Detail description of the schedule. We can put teacher info in here.
  • DTSTART and DTEND: The start time and the end time of the schedule. Notice we need to follow the time pattern yyyyMMddTHHmmss, a description is at here and here.

Finally, a refrence of my code about output the iCalendar string.

/// lib/page/classtable/classtable_state.dart line 47-72
/// Generate icalendar file string. 
String get iCalenderStr {
  String toReturn = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n";
    for (var i in timeArrangement) {
      String summary = "SUMMARY:${classDetail[i.index].name}@${i.classroom ?? "待定"}\n";
      String description = "DESCRIPTION:课程名称:${classDetail[i.index].name}; 上课地点:${i.classroom ?? "待定"}\n";
      for (int j = 0; j < i.weekList.length; ++j) {
        if (i.weekList[j] == '0') {
        Jiffy day =
            Jiffy.parseFromDateTime(startDay).add(weeks: j, days: i.day - 1);
        String vevent = "BEGIN:VEVENT\n$summary";
        List<String> startTime = time[(i.start - 1) * 2].split(":");
        List<String> stopTime = time[(i.stop - 1) * 2 + 1].split(":");
        vevent +=
            "DTSTART:${day.add(hours: int.parse(startTime[0]), minutes: int.parse(startTime[1])).format(pattern: 'yyyyMMddTHHmmss')}\n";
        vevent +=
            "DTEND:${day.add(hours: int.parse(stopTime[0]), minutes: int.parse(stopTime[1])).format(pattern: 'yyyyMMddTHHmmss')}\n";
        toReturn += "$vevent${description}END:VEVENT\n";
  return "${toReturn}END:VCALENDAR";

关于将得到的 iCalendar 字符串输出成文件


我一开始使用了 file_picker 插件,打算让用户先选个文件夹,然后将文件保存了。结果我测试,全都崩溃了。根据反馈,是在插件的原生端获取到用户选择的目录后,返回给 Flutter 端的时候崩溃的,真够无语的。



正好我的开发时候大量依赖用户的网络交互记录反馈,这是依靠 Alice 插件实现的。我去读了 Alice 的代码,发现他使用了很多 share_plus 库,然后我的保存功能就使用了这个。

这个库很简单,我要记一笔关于临时文件的东西。这个东西分享文件,是先在软件的临时目录中保存,然后分享,临时文件的清理就交给了系统。我是自己写了一套保存到临时文件,分享后立刻删除的机制。顺便,一定要使用我之前提到的 mime-type,要不然存的就是纯文本文件。

关于 share_plus 库,请看这个链接







Tequila Sunrise by Eagles

MV 在此

It's another tequila sunrise
Starin' slowly 'cross the sky
Said goodbye

He was just a hired hand
Workin' on the dreams he planned to try
The days go by

Every night when the sun goes down
Just another lonely boy in town
And she's out runnin' 'round

She wasn't just another woman
And I couldn't keep from comin' on
It's been so long

Whoa, and it's a hollow feelin'
When it comes down to dealin' friends
It never ends

Take another shot of courage
Wonder why the right words never come
You just get numb

It's another tequila sunrise
This old world still looks the same
Another frame

Farewell my good time.